Monday, May 24, 2010

Menarilah dan terus ketawa

Enough is enough. This isn't me, naturally. I don't overreact to lame issues. I didnt even know the real stories behind it, hence I'd better stay on my own ground.  Aku lebih patut dengar kata mak, balas kebaikan-kebaikan dengan kebaikan. Yang tak baik- tak baik tu, biarkan. Biarkan sahaja. Cukup apabila diri sendiri tahu siapa diri sendiri. Diam tak semestinya kalah, bukan? And yes, never stoop down to THAT level. (thanks poppy, love u!)

Mungkin betul, mungkin tidak. Kalau betul, muhasabah diri, cari mana yang kurang, tambah. Mana yang silap, perbetulkan. Dan kalau terang2 perkara itu salah, buat apa mahu melenting? Diamkan sahaja.Itu pesan mak.

At the very least, I should be more thankful. At least for now, I know Where I stand because I know Where I belong. And hey, I have my own precious LIFE, my own circle, and I should just remain in it. This is my real happiness, I have them beloved ones;my family and my sayangs and I know at any conditions, they will be there when I need. I have them to stay with me at my bestest and weakest, though most of the time, we are separated, visually. 

Let me just consider it as the wind that passes by. It comes and goes. No matter how strong it blows in, I know I have my strengths to not let me fall down, to the ground, or even into the deepest hole in the world. If ever I do, I know I have their hands to take me up.  

Smile, and the world will smile with you. 

P/s- entry gembira-gembira selepas ini. Stay tuned :)


nooratikah said...

entry hePy buat org hePy... org yg x hePy2 tu pooooodahh!!! hoho... tak2 gurau je...=P

btw... lame xdgr lagu ni... cam best plak....

fadhillahbakren said...

yup.positive!macam kak faizah kata.kita ada hidup yang gembirakan kita, buat apa nak amik kisah anasir-anasir luar.

haah2.teringat hidup kat ipoh.jalan-jalan. :)