Monday, March 22, 2010

of dinner,board games and the sleep over

I had a very loooooooooooong, gooooood sleep after the war. Kinda pay back time after struggling so hard in the battle. (ok boleh gelak).830 pm (i guess) untill 4sumting in the morning. I woke up just to realise that my right arm was aching, in fact the whole body lenguh macam ape ntah.Switched on my laptop, browsing thru some websites,FB-ing and went off to bed again untill it was near Asar. I was about to continue sleeping when inchik deign called to remind me about the dinner at our lecturer's house that evening..Pasal makan, terus lompat dari katil.hahaha..

We arrived at nearly 8pm, she's still preparing the dinner for us.In about one and a half our i guess, the dinner was ready.Pantas gile!hahaha...while she was cooking tuh,her husband, incik christoph ajak the guys main one board game ni.i dunno what's the name.mcm dam-sebab ade makan2 tu tp not exactly like dam aji tuh. ok x penting pun.hahah

apple pie-my fav among all. =)))

Siyungsuk took out one of the board games from her collections after we finished the dessert. Cluedo. Game mcm Inspector Parker-sape penah main mesti tau.Cari the murderer,the weapon and the scene.Hangus gak kepala otak nk pk.hahah..I played this before on my laptop.I bet most of us did. After the game, AA said she wants to play the inspector Parker again.So do I!Dulu berkobar2 main sampai mak bising duk depan laptop tak beranjak2.Tu pun sbb solat and makan and toilet.Kalau tak mmg anti-social jadiknye.Kesian mak xde kawan nak borak gaduh tolong masak sume.habis je sume level,terus delete the game!Now nak reinstall.Mungkin my housemate pulak yang bakal berjela2's hubby mmg kaw2 lah kata NO mase kitorang nak main that game.Bosan die ckp.Hence didnt join us.Buat Maths quiz on the net.Bukan soalan2 ala2 uji minda cam PTS tuh,ni calculus ngan ape2 ntah lagi.Nama pun Mathematician,xkan nk jawab kuiz sifir doblas lak kan.

the Cluedo

Next was Pictionary.Macam regu. Tapi kene lukis instead of showing gestures,cosonants, words, numbers when giving hints.Nmpak cm kanak2 punye game, tapi skali kau words die.hahah..nak lukis pun satu hal.But the girls won.nak kate we all creative ke imaginative ke,ntah la.sbbnye there was a part was when the word was rock. Senang gile hai nak lukis batu sebijik kan.Si Mathematician tu pegi la lukis note2 music, amende ntah, sbb die refer it to a rock band.HAHA.kitorang gelak kaw2 punye.menangis Si-yung-suk.memang super imaginative kot ha!

vv sketching..

PAstu pulun lagi nak main monopoly.Wa surrender awal2 dah.Layu dah mata wa beb.hahah..i was the banker initially tp kene sack sbb salah bagi duit and tanah kat org.hahah.xde gamba sbb terus syahid pastu.

So thats it i guess.Tak plan pun nk stay till the next morning.Sehelai sepinggang.But it's fun i guess. Sumtimes yg tak plan ni yg best. Punyela cool si lecturer ni. Her hubby da awal2 lagi kuar pagi tu utk membanting tulang mencari rezeki and in fact she had a meeting at 1130am cmtuh. Boleh plak suh kitorang sambung tido lagi. And tinggalkan kitorang buat hal sdiri mase die nk g meeting.Sumpah cool.haha..But we didnt stay for long. At twelve sthg tu terus chow.

Sampai je rumah,sambung tido lagi smpai petang.Nama pun cuti.Nak buat ape lagi??HAHA...

the host.

its time to go home~finallaaay..;p

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