Saturday, April 23, 2011

Not yet.

I was having this usual break while doing my essay and i came across one of my secondary school teacher's FB wall (typical stalker i am! hee :D ) Well if it wasnt for a status of my friend about a sad news of a loss of a teacher (Al-Fatihah) i wouldnt be bother to look and it wouldnt have led me be as mentioned before. So here it goes; friend- the news- need clarification- teacher A- teacher A's wife (yes, the one i'm about to write about in anonymous.)

She made me love the subject though i found it hard to score ( ke aku yang lembab? HAHAHA) At least i had that interest and though i may not be able to remember in details (obviously coz i've left it for years already) but those days of having her as a teacher still somehow lingers in my mind. Motherly, she is, and like such she could be as firm, and strict, and funny, and interesting. Haha. I havent heard of anyone complaining let alone getting bored. Too bad i only had a year with her, been replaced the year after. 

Enough with such background now let's jump into the points. I saw her connecting with her students and of all i saw these huge appreciation showered to her though through comments on status or random wall posts but i dunno somehow it makes me realise the feelings she might have inside. I dont really know, it's kinda cliche maybe- touched by such remembrance by the students. But i dunno why it hits me so much. Owh,  blame the assignments! Now everything is teaching-related. Haha.  

Of course i dont really know how it feels and looks like to be in the real situation. But here is what i believe, how a teacher could remember a student as such and such, so will the students, right? And i know for some reasons i may, someday come across a student/ students with my attitude if not exactly, maybe a resemblance. Karma is quite harsh i know but it's reality we're dealing with now. Mesti adaaa punya lah!  

But anyway, the point is what kind of teacher i'm gonna be? The one leaving the 'urgh i hate her she bla3 me and give bla3 work and bla3. Serious menyampah' feeling among my students or rather, well i dont know how to put it into words. It's not that i really want that kinda favour from the students but just enough to let them interested in what i'm conveying. (mendengar kata dah besar rahmat dah. Haha)  Because among the comments i read, honestly the interest they shown for the subject which really caught my eyes. 

And i remember our trip to Sabah back when we're still in Ipoh. We had this visit to one of the elite schools (La Salle if i'm not mistaken) there and we had the principal (who's in Jusa C grade, been pengetua cemerlang yada yada) gave a speech to us, the teachers-to-be. I wasnt paying attention to those awards, pedagogical methods she said but of course the end of the speech is where i often pay most of my attention to. And that, my friend, wasnt the pay-attention-because-it's- the-end-of-speech moment but the content. As far as i could remember she uttered this in quite a raised voice and i know it's that important;

'It's in your hands. You can make them interested in the subject or hate it for the rest of their life'. 

Hoh! Takut dah lah.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Okay i just broke my promise. I said no update until May the 1st (yea it's on my twitter) but i guess i cant wait.

The feeling's killing me seriously (exaggerration, indeed). The cycle where all of those homesick-ness, friendsick-ness, being sad for God knows the reason, freaking worried out of the blue yada yada is back knocking me down. Scary eh? It scares the heck outta me too T_T 

And this time around it's oh-so-not-at-a-right time. Talking about time, it's probably the most precious luxury i really dont posses now. Takde masa lahhh nak layan the cranky me ni weyhh. Assignments due next week; three freaking essays and when i said the 'e' word it comes along with all the lecture slides (untuk orang malas dan lost macam aku ni haruslah kena baca balik yang awal2 term punya kan!)and the list of EFL journals. Owh, the referencing and citation style we need to abide with is my favourite part of course. Tak leceh langsung, mana ade lah. Love it whole-heartedly! 

So at this very moment, my body refuses to talk to anyone. Boleh? So lucky you blog, the only non-living thing i have my favour to pour all my words to for now. Ironic.

I'll be right back when all of this messiness is over. The mess=myself i meant. An anti-social i am from now on. I'll be my normal self back. Soon. HAHA Bye!

Will you be waiting?

p/s- i dreamt of asteejay last night with the usual bunch of us. On the way back from prep, there was my eldest brother waiting for me nak bawak pergi outing. Perfect combo. Memang terbukti la weh segala sickness kau sebut2 tuh. Haih.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lucky April babies, this is for you !

I may not have the most perfect gift to give but sometimes it's just the thought that matters the most, no? Sepatutnya awal-awal bulan lagi kasi kan, ni dah penghujung dah. HAHA i just found it! Enjoy reading.

Why You Should Embrace the April Showers of Your Life

1. You teach yourself to be positive, no matter what. When you find yourself staying positive through a difficult time, you'll feel amazing. Getting to the point in your life -- or in the way you think about your life -- where you can take a negative situation and see the good in it is one of the best feelings. Embracing the difficult times in your life will, without you even realizing it, teach you to be positive no matter what comes along.
2. You grow stronger with every single storm you weather. With every single difficulty you face in your life, you become a little bit stronger. It's hard to realize this when you're actually going through a tough time, but no matter what the outcome, you gain strength from every hardship. And that's a great reason to embrace the struggles you face in your life. Every single one of them is making you stronger.
3. You need the tough times to bring out the best in your life. I'm sure you've heard it before: "Without the rain, there can be no rainbow." Cliche? Yes. True? Yes! Without the really tough times in your life, it can be hard to appreciate all of the awesome things. It would be great if we could just have awesomeness at all times, but the tough times really do help us to see (and be grateful for) what we have in our lives.
4. You will uncover new things about yourself -- and your life. Another cliche, but true, face is that when you're struggling to make it through a tough time, you'll learn a lot about yourself and your life. When in the midst of a difficult situation, this fact can be hard to wrap your mind around -- but it's one of the greatest things about a tough time. Whether you realize it initially (or years later), you always learn something when you struggle to get through a difficulty.
5. You can be refreshed and revitalized by a spring rain. Just like the flowers begin to bloom after April showers, you too can be refreshed and begin to blossom after a tough time. It might not happen right away, but with time, you will see that any difficulty you've struggled to overcome has left you feeling oddly renewed. Though you may feel beaten down at first (as I'm sure those flowers' stems do when the rains come), you'll eventually begin to show your true colors, blossoming into a new self after the storm has passed.
(article source: - image source: sopaz.tumblr & weheartit)

Found here #thankyousomuch

P/s- thanks to Facebook too for the reminder. LOL!
Happy birthday! Stay POSITIVE!


Wanie (yes youuuu Syzwani Nancy)
Hannah Najah
Atikah Mustafa

And yang jauh di mata dekat di hati;
Diyana Shah (about the article i tweet-ed, the one who photocopied and  highlighted all the points, yea, it's you makcik ;p )

Hana! Hyeee..Hehe ;)

Ade tertinggal siapa siapa (lagi) tak?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

#homesick. Urghhh!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My utmost reliance; Him.

The best for the people I love too, o' Allah.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No more excuses no more running only God can save you now

Panic attack!

Piles of notes, journals and articles to read.  And essaysss to kill!

Ah, LAME gila kan?

Siapa suruh malas?!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If you were to become one

So we were on our way to Cliffs of Moher, i was about to tune in to my ipod, i heard something on the radio. Well, not so precious but not too bad to lend my ears on. There's this new artist (an Irish i bet he is) been interviewed by a local radio station. The questions revolved around his new album or was it a debut (not too sure about it) his background and so on. He sang his very own song too! Not bad. I kinda like his tone. And the song too but it slipped off my mind right after i put on my earphones. HAHA. Sorry Mr.. uhm.. i dont know your name too. -_-'

And there's this statement he made when he's asked about the challenges he encountered about becoming a new recording artist. Apparently one of the qualities the recording companies are looking for if not the main one but good enough to be a bonus is for the new talents to set up their own fans-based prior to their talent and of course, appearance. He mentioned ,'they (the recording companies) wanna see that first. They want me to have that strong and convincing response from the 'fans' that I myself have to work on .' I forgot his exact line but that's what basically he said. 

More of a two-way street approach and it takes quite a big effort for new talents nowadays. Not only talent, but the sense of presence is much needed too even before they become the real ones. Well of course, I dont have any issues of youtubers becoming artists. It's how the change in the society i'm talking about. The way the society 'makes up' the new artists  and the preferences made are taken quite seriously too. 

So just like Bieber, Rebecca Black and many more. You dont necessarily need to go through all the queuing up for hours for an audition or sending hundreds of demos ended up being rejected. Just give some pose in your own comfy room, make some good videos and tadaaa! (of course im being too general, i dont really know what really happens behind the curtains). But yea, it may seem easy. All you have to do is sing, get some good feedbacks and thousands or billions of 'like' buttons. And *cough* luck. Tough luck sometimes. But i believe it's not that easy. We're dealing with reality here, you perform and you get  direct praises or condemns right on your face. Tadah jela!

So here are some youtubers, up to my liking so far;

Because he could sing medley of Gaga's. pfft macam orang lain tak boleh pulak. I simply like him lah!

Because she can. Rap. Macam orang lain tak boleh pulak kan. 
Eii suka i lah! And owh, for some reasons i found the way she hits the 'bring' part is rather annoying. HAHA

Because she's cute. HAHA

Sebab dia panas. Boleh?HAHAdiamemangartisdahsekarang!

Okay ini tiba tiba HAHAHA

So what about you people?